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Information on all the offers listed below can be found at phone 0 80 71 / 92 02 10

Our offers for you
1 hour of swimming only costs: 5.00 euros (3.70 euros reduced)
Entry from 8:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m
(i.e. swimming – without additional Payment – possible until max. 10 a.m.)
Entry possible from 12.30 p.m. to 1.30 p.m
Please note that the offer can only be used by those who have previously purchased the appropriate transponder bracelet
and topped it up with 50, as our checkout is only open from 9 a.m.
Please note that the Offer can only be used from Monday to Friday (also during the Holidays).
Unfortunately, early swimming is not possible on Weekends (Saturday / Sunday) and Public holidays.
{bold}WARM BATH {/bold}DAY
32° / 31° in the Indoor pool
Our warm bathing days are particularly popular. In the large Indoor pool, the Temperature is raised from 28 to 32°C every Wednesday and to 31°C on Thursday. This creates very good conditions for a pleasant warm bathing day in Wasserburg.
{bold}JUMP {/bold}FREEDOM
in the Indoor pool
Every Afternoon (except Wednesday) from 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. During this time, you can jump into the water in the large indoor pool as you please.
Party in Badria
All children aged 6-12 can celebrate their birthday at Badria with their friends (minimum 5)!
The Price of 79.90 Euro includes:
- free Admission for the Birthday child, one Companion and 5 other Children
- 1 1/2 Hours Care by Badria-Staff
- a decorated Birthday table
- 1 small Gift for the Birthday child
- a small Dish in our Gastronomy (on Request)
For each additional Child, a Surcharge of 14.50 Euro must be paid.
Registration possible from 4 Weeks before the Birthday,
at least 14 Days in advance by phone at Tel. 0 80 71 / 92 02 – 10.
The Offer is valid from Monday to Friday and not on Weekends, Public holidays or during Vacations.
VHS-Courses in badria
Medical water aerobics for sciatica, osteoporosis and the entire musculoskeletal system (foot, knee, hip, buttocks, thigh, back, intervertebral disc, spine, neck, shoulder, elbow, hand).
These prevention courses are subsidized by health insurance with up to 80%! Only a limited number of participants is possible with this offer. Information and registration via the Volkshochschule Wasserburg a. Inn at Tel. (08071) 48 73. Further information on medical water aerobics is also available at
The adult education center also offers regular water aerobics courses at BADRIA. You can also get information on this from the Volkshochschule Wasserburg a. Inn at Tel. (08071) 48 73.
with Midwife Andrea Utz
Preparing for Childbirth through Aqua-Fitness for Pregnant women. With movement, fun and joy, your well-being and the development of your child will be positively influenced.
The course takes place in a small, closed circle and lasts 7 weeks, with a weekly meeting.
The course fees are covered by health insurance, provided no other birth preparation course has been attended. Register with midwife Andrea Utz, Tel. 0176 – 23 25 87 07, at.
with Midwife Andrea Utz
The same benefits that water offers us during pregnancy also apply to the body’s recovery after birth.
In the water, the exercises are easier on the joints and back and at the same time more intensive. This makes regeneration in the water particularly effective. It promotes well-being and fitness after the birth.
Course content:
- Stretching and Strengthening exercises
- Cardiovascular Exercises
- Venenentlastung
- Pelvic floor perception
- Strengthening of the Pelvic floor muscles
- Conditioning exercises
- Relaxation exercises
The course is aimed at women from 8 weeks after giving birth, but can also be attended after half a year or a whole year. It’s never too late to focus on body fitness and the pelvic floor. Course: Closed women’s course over seven weeks with a weekly meeting.
Costs: Will be covered by the health insurance company if you have not yet attended a postnatal course “on land”.
Registration and further information from midwife Mrs. Andrea Karrer on Tel.: 01 76-23 25 87 07
{bold}BADRIA {/bold}SHOP
with Midwife Andrea Utz
The same benefits that water offers us during pregnancy also apply to the body’s recovery after birth.
In the water, the exercises are easier on the joints and back and at the same time more intensive. This makes regeneration in the water particularly effective. It promotes well-being and fitness after the birth.
Course content:
- Stretching and Strengthening exercises
- Cardiovascular Exercises
- Venenentlastung
- Pelvic floor perception
- Strengthening of the Pelvic floor muscles
- Conditioning exercises
- Relaxation exercises
The course is aimed at women from 8 weeks after giving birth, but can also be attended after half a year or a whole year. It’s never too late to focus on body fitness and the pelvic floor. Course: Closed women’s course over seven weeks with a weekly meeting.
Costs: Will be covered by the health insurance company if you have not yet attended a postnatal course “on land”.
Registration and further information from midwife Mrs. Andrea Karrer on Tel.: 01 76-23 25 87 07
Badria Team
For questions and appointments
Telefon: 0 80 71 / 92 02 10